Scientist & Communicator

“the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

Webinar: Ingredient Claims Confusion: Strategies for Validation & Building Consumer Trust

Risa Schulman will be one of the speakers on the New Hope webinar Ingredient Claims Confusion: Strategies for Validation & Building Consumer Trust scheduled for June 21st. Webinar with New Hope 2016 PART I PROGRAM Ingredient Claims Confusion: Strategies for Validation & Building Consumer Trust An exploration of the supplier role in building consumer confidence … Read more

Bursting With Flavor

I want to highlight special, natural products (with great flavor) that I tasted (at the recent Natural Products Expo West. Mint is rich with medicinal properties and a brilliant companion for dark chocolate. The Seely Family has been growing and distilling mint for three generations on their farm in Washington. Now they use their own … Read more

A “Plum” Assignment

As both a mother and a food expert, I am very careful about what my toddler eats. I have always chosen foods from Plum Organics for him, and now can proudly announce

Focus on trust just what the natural products industry needs

Trustworthy & Trustable – Both Essential Martha Rogers’ keynote speech at the Expo inspired me to write a piece on IdeaXchange because her exploration of the concept of trust is relevant to all of us in the industry. With our reputation at stake, we must continue to prove ourselves both trustworthy and trustable. Natural Products … Read more

Totality of the evidence: The Bayer v. FTC legacy

While the happy victory of the court decision in Bayer v. US (FTC) still rings in our ears, business marches on, and we ask: How do we integrate elements of the court decision regarding adequate scientific substantiation into our own decision making?

Forward Thinking

The concept of “forward thinking”: seizing opportunities and acting prudently to make the most of them. Our industry is both entrepreneurial and highly regulated – sometimes an uneasy balance, and even more reason to look forward with eyes wide open.

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