Webinar: Ingredient Claims Confusion: Strategies for Validation & Building Consumer Trust

Risa Schulman will be one of the speakers on the New Hope webinar Ingredient Claims Confusion: Strategies for Validation & Building Consumer Trust scheduled for June 21st.

Webinar with New Hope

Ingredient Claims Confusion: Strategies for Validation & Building Consumer Trust
webinar Risa SchulmanAn exploration of the supplier role in building consumer confidence behind ingredients claims; breaking down why consumers are confused and lacking trust, market pitfalls and potential solutions for regaining trust.

WHEN: Tues, June 21, 2 pm ET

  • Risa Schulman, Ph.D.
  • Greg Horn, President of Specialty Nutrition Group, Inc.
  • Todd Runestad, Senior Supplements & Ingredients Editor, New Hope Network

There will be a Q&A period at the end of the webinar