Better Health Vitamins, Minerals & Supplement Advisory Board Assignment
Risa Schulman is pleased to announce that she is joining the Science Advisory Board at The Clorox Company, Better Health Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplement (VMS)! She is looking forward to working with the amazing team at Clorox and other board members.
The Clorox Compay is a global leader in public health and disinfection. The company’s Better Health VMS division focuses on vitamins, minerals, and supplements with leading brands such as RenewLife®, Rainbow Light®, Natural Vitality Calm™, and NeoCell®. …read more about
Science Advisory Boards
Meanwhile, I’m continuing to enjoy my work with the Nutrition Advisory Panel at McCormick – we’re coming up on the 1 year anniversary next month. It has been an honor to work with this wonderful team and I am so pleased to be continuing!
One of Tap~Root’s many services is to provide expertise and guidance for companies in the functional foods, dietary supplements, and cosmeceuticals industries. As experts in these fields, we can write expert opinion letters and participate in science advisory boards, meetings, and panels.
“Serving with Risa on a Scientific Advisory Board, I was impressed with her professionalism and skills in planning, communication, and implementation. She is a genuine scientist with industry know-how.” –Gretchen Vannice, MS, RD, Natural Food Nutritionist, Industry Professional, California